miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Purpose Statement

Purpose statement

My ideal job is the one in which I could give the best of myself through the application of different languages. I would like to have a job where I can share experiences and knowledge with my colleagues, always trying my best to maintain a comfortable and cordial environment with them. It would be great to have a job in which I could learn something new from everybody, and above all I would be open to improve constantly in my languages skills. It also would be nice to work in a place which offers me the opportunity to travel, to know new cultures, and people, which is more, I would be open to explore new countries, cultures, etc. Languages are a beautiful part of the humanity, and all of them are worth to learn.


1. I want a job where I can share experiences and knowledge with my colleagues.
2. I want a job where I can travel, know new places, people, and cultures.
3. I want a job where I can learn something new from everybody.
4. I want a job where I can explore and experience different languages.
5. I want a job where I can explore and improve all my language skills.

“I will” statements

1. I will do my best to maintain a comfortable and cordial environment with my colleagues.
2. I will be open to improve constantly in my personal skills.
3. I will be open to explore new languages and cultures.
4. I will be open to travel to any country to learn new things.
5. I will be open to comments and reviews from my colleagues.

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