viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


The secrets landed inside shelter you
Your landscapes shadow beauty everywhere
Exotic nature hides among your zoo
From dark to light, the journey's been a fair.

From cost to cost your radiant's not lost
The shining stars and rainbows smiling bright
The flowers growing high, and rivers frost
The birds are passing by, the owls at night.

Amazing place which us always disgrace
We seem not to care ‘bout the love for earth
I feel disturbed, ashamed, our home, our place
So make an effort, go, protect, it’d worth.

Be more engaged, go, walk and love the rain
And think on how to break from there the chain.

Photo attribution


Help me find a mate
I just need the perfect bae
Go and get my man
Please don't leave me here alone
Don´t you dare bring just a jerk.

Photo attribution
You Are

You are
A perfect man
The fire of my heart
My cup of tea, the one I dream
That's you.

Photo attribution

Your Colors

Your colors are different each day
I like all your shades of grey
You´re stuck in my mind
You make me go blind
I feel in my bones to pray.

Photo attribution
Argumentative Essay

Teaching Grammar with an Inductive Approach

“Your grammar is a reflection of your image. Good or bad, you have made an impression. And like all impressions, you are in total control” (Jeffrey Gitomer). Grammar is defined as the study and description of the arrangement of words and sentences in the language (Brown, 2000, p. 362). The main approaches applied in the teaching of grammar are deductive when the rules are presented directly, and inductive when students discover the rules, which is the focus of the present paper. Teaching grammar following an inductive approach allows students to be active participants of the class since it encourages them to develop their critical thinking skills.

The inductive approach leads students to analyze the information in order for them to develop a deeper understanding of the language. This approach follows a natural acquisition of the language process (Brown, 2000, p. 365). Learners absorb the rules unconsciously, and it builds motivation since students are allowed to discover them instead of being told (Brown, 2000, p. 365). When teaching grammar inductively, the learning process centers its focus on the students; they are the ones who analyze the language, form hypothesis, and get to a conclusion. As a result the knowledge acquired becomes meaningful, because teachers encourages an autonomous learning. But as the inductive approach has lots of benefits, it also deals with some disadvantages.
Using the inductive approach causes misunderstanding in more complex grammar structures. If grammar is not taught in an explicit way, students are likely to make false assumptions when they still have a limited knowledge about the foreign language (Farhan, 2009, p. 321). The application of the inductive approach with beginner learners can cause not only confusion among them, but also frustration since they are not able to infer structures because of their narrowed schemata of the language. In addition, teaching grammar explicitly favor a quick and clear delivery of grammar learning since students receive the information as it is (Farhan, 2009, p. 321). The deductive grammar can be useful in certain situations such as time, to present grammar explicitly allows students to progress with grammar with a faster and easier rhythm.

The inductive approach promotes students´ interest and that they feel the language of their own. The deductive grammar has proved ineffectiveness, and to be boring for learners of the foreign language (Ke, 2008, p. 2), since not through imitation but through abstracting a set of grammatical rules is how a language is acquired (Chomsky, 1977, as cited in Ke, 2008, p. 3). Inductive grammar makes the process of learning interesting yet meaningful, because in order to discover a rule students need to have a process of reasoning between their previous knowledge, and the new information to be able to establish a new grammatical rule. Furthermore, the inductive approach “allows students to get a communicative feel for some aspect of language before possibly being overwhelmed by grammatical explanations” (Brown, 2000, p. 365). In summary, when the teacher presents something totally new for students, this approach leads learners to first get familiarized with the language for its future analysis and comprehension.

Inductive grammar advantages students´ autonomy, and grants a real and deep comprehension of the language itself. When teaching grammar teachers must allow, and encourage leaners to be conscious of what they learn, this makes the process of learning interesting and engaging since teachers let students discover grammar for themselves. Even though, deductive grammar can be effective in some contexts such as beginner learners, the better way to claim a deep understanding of grammar for students is to help them to develop their critical thinking. Something that teachers need to keep in mind is that, if something is effective in the learning process is when the class is centered on the students instead on the teacher.

Brown, D. (2000). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York, New York: Pearson, Longman.
Farhan, A. (2009). The effect of using an online-based course on the learning of grammar inductively and deductively. ReCall 21(03), 319-336. Retrieved from

Ke, Z. (2008). An inductive approach to English grammar teaching. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies 12, 1-18. Retrieved from

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Cover Letter

October 02, 2015

Dear Mr. Gutiérrez,

Recently I heard that your company has a vacant place for the translator job, and I am really interested in it. The social labor that Nissan does is impressive; I know that your company supports the conservation of the environment, and the improvement of the education, which talks about the values you as a company have. I consider that my knowledge of languages, and values as a persona, such as responsibility and compromise, are what you are looking for. My native language is Spanish, and I am also fluent in English. I am very social and dedicated in everything that I do and believe that I fit in this job very well. I have dreamt with this job all my life, and it would be a pleasure to develop it at your company.


Melissa Alejandra Naranjo Quiroz

Formal e-mail

Re: Essay

Dear Mr. Stewart,

Regarding to our previous class on September 21, I am writing to you because I have some doubts about my last essay.

Could we please have a meeting in order to clarify some points about my essay; I would appreciate it if we meet on September 26, or September 27, 2015 to talk about them.

In the current e-mail I have attached my last draft for you to make any changes and will correct them as soon as possible.

I look forward to hear from you.

Best regards,

Melissa Alejandra Naranjo Quiroz
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes